Resource Library
Welcome to your Winnovators Resource Library.
Here you will find all the information, resources and instructions you'll need to complete the program over the next few months.
If anything is unclear, or you have any questions throughout the course of the challenge, please don't hesitate to contact us at - we're here to help!
You will find your starter pack and timelines here. The Winnovators 2024 Kick-off webinar was held on Thursday 11th April. If you have missed the webinar or would like to revisit the content, here's the recording of the session.
Welcome and Next Steps
DownloadKick-off Webinar Presentation
DownloadFinal Submissions
The deadline for final submissions is 11:59 pm (23:59) AEST on Friday 30th August 2024.
Please email your submissions to
For details of what you need to submit, take a look at the instructions and information provided.
Final Submission Instructions and Information
DownloadSolve Challenge
There are three challenges on offer - please read up on them and decide as team what you would like to take on.
Option 1 - Water Challenge
Coastal communities in Papua New Guinea are grappling with the dual challenge of accessing clean water and coping with the escalating impacts of climate change, such as rising sea levels and unpredictable weather patterns.
Devise innovative and sustainable solutions to address these pressing issues, with a focus on integrating climate resilience into the water supply systems of these vulnerable communities.
Solve Briefing - Water Challenge
DownloadOption 2 - Sanitation and Hygiene Challenge
Pari, a traditional village in Papua New Guinea, faces critical sanitation issues due to the reliance on overhung toilets positioned above the sea. This setup results in direct waste discharge into the ocean, leading to contamination of coastal waters and subsequent waste washing up on the beach, posing significant health risks to both residents and the environment.
Design innovative technical solutions capable of capturing, containing, and treating waste to ensure environmentally sustainable disposal practices.
Solve Briefing - Sanitation and Hygiene Challenge
DownloadOption 3 - WASH Workforce Challenge
In Papua New Guinea, there is limited qualifications for people wanting to enter the water and sanitation workforce. University and vocational courses are limited; career pathways are not well-defined and often people working as WaSH professionals have gaps in knowledge, technical skills and qualifications. There is limited opportunity for water-related engineering study, career development and women's workforce and study participation are lower than men.
Design innovative solutions or campaigns aimed at advocating educational institutions to prioritise and promote WaSH-related programs. The goal is to enhance educational opportunities and bridge knowledge gaps.
Solve Briefing - WASH Workforce Challenge
DownloadAdditional Resources
WaterAid has compiled the following documents for you to help provide a further understanding of our Country Program in Papua New Guinea.
These resources can help guide your work and ensure you can design a solution that has an appropriate local context.
PNG Peri-urban Water Supply Models Discussion Pape...
DownloadPari Village Urban WASH Survey Report (August 2021...
DownloadWaterAid PNG Country Strategy 2023-2028
DownloadPNG National WASH Policy_2015-2030
DownloadGender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion C...
DownloadPNG Climate Risk Country Profile (World Bank 2...
DownloadPNG State of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (2022)
DownloadMapping Human Resource Capacity Gaps in the Water ...
DownloadClimate Impacts on Pacific Water Security and Wate...
DownloadSubmission Example - 2023 Overall Champion
DownloadSubmission Example - 2023 Best Solve (Water)
DownloadSubmission Example - 2023 Best Solve (Hygiene & Sa...
DownloadThe Mid-program Solve Webinar was held on 19th June. If you have missed the webinar or would like to revisit the content, here's the recording of the session.
Fund Challenge
Use all these resources to help design and deliver your fundraising campaign.
Don’t forget your pitch for seed fundraising is due on 10th May 2024!
We’re here to help – any questions or ways we can help support you with your campaigns please email us
Fund Brief
DownloadFundraising Pitch Information and Instructions
DownloadIncome and Expenditure Sheet
DownloadFundraising Guide
DownloadFundraising and Sponsorship Letter Template
DownloadFive Steps to Successful Fundraising Event Managem...
DownloadSix Tips for Promoting an Event on Social Media
DownloadDollar Handle Examples
DownloadWaterAid Collection Bucket Label
DownloadWaterAid Collection Tin Label
DownloadSubmission Example - 2023 Overall Champion
DownloadSubmission Example - 2023 Best Fund Champion
DownloadSubmission Example - 2023 Best Fund Runner-up
An important part of Winnovators is to ensure you and your team establish your personal development goals, and reflect back on your progress at the completion.
The following resources will help you with a framework on development goal setting and key things to consider.