There are lots of reasons to take the Water Challenge helping provide water to people around the world, improving your health. But one benefit of the Water Challenge you may not be aware of is the environmental!
By taking part in the Water Challenge and choosing tap water, you make a more sustainable choice during March and into the future.Carry a reusable bottle with you throughout the challenge and fill up at your nearest tap (or find a refill station) to do your bit for the environment.
The average plastic bottle takes 50 years to break down into smaller pieces called micro-plastics and by 2050, scientists predict there will be more plastics in the ocean than fish!* With the average Australian consuming 130kg of single use plastic every year, now is the perfect chance to cut back on your plastic usage and make some positive changes.
So join us in Choosing Tap water while taking the Water Challenge this March and create habits that will help protect the environment today and info the future. Find out more about how you can support the Choose Tap initiative