Megan Kirchner

The Big Spring Swim 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 40 kms

Why we're taking the plunge

This November, we're making a splash in WaterAid's Big Spring Swim to raise money for the 1 in 10 people worldwide who don't have clean water close to home. 

WaterAid is an international not-for-profit, determined to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation.

With all three, people can unlock their potential, break free from poverty, and change their lives for good. Children grow up healthy and strong, women and men get to earn a living, whole communities start to thrive. 

 Every dollar raised makes a huge difference.

  • $30 can build a simple handwashing station to help stop the spread of disease
  • $50 can provide a student with clean water at school
  • $150 can help to buy a rainwater tank- so a family has clean water close to home

Please support us today.

My wonderful sponsors


The Kds


Julie And Bruce Kirchner

You go, girl!



Go superfish!


Grace Win


Tri Tran

Swim Megan swim!


Toni Mcgrath

Go for it


Sally Oates

Swim Meggy Swim!


Ross O

Go! Go! Go!

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