Renny Chivunga

Walk For Water 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 3 Hours

Thank you for joining me in making a Difference!

I joined WaterAid’s Walk for Water, to raise awareness and funds.

Every step was meant to represented the struggles faced by millions around the world who walk long distances daily to collect often contaminated water. 

The idea was to stand in solidarity with them to help create a world where clean water is a basic human right for everyone.

It’s not too late for us to make waves of change! 

Saying YES to the change we want to see

Walk for Water started yesterday! 

I am walking for water because I am saying YES to the change I want to see. 

Your donation means faster progress towards making these statements true.

·        YES to a world where no community is held back by endless cycle of sickness from dirty water supply and poor hygiene!

·        YES to everyone, everywhere having sustainable safe water, descent toilets, and good hygiene by the end of this decade!

·        YES to a world where no woman is forced to waste her time walking and queuing for hours to collect water! 

·      YES to a world where no girl is excluded from a better future because her school does not have toilets that work and lock!

·        YES to a world where no one lives in fear that changing climate will mean a thirsty tomorrow!

·        YES to a world where all the above is true and WaterAid no longer needs to exist! 

Knowing about WaterAid = Achieving more together!

703 million people in the world – almost one in ten – do not have clean water close to home.

Every day, women and children walk long distances to collect and carry water for their families. Girls and boys often begin collecting water as children and girls continue to collect and carry water throughout their lives. Many girls spend hours each day collecting water, which can cause them to miss time at school. And not only that, sometimes the water they are forced to collect is dirty, carrying water borne diseases and leading to sickness in their community.

This is why we need your help – I am walking, so that they don’t have to. By walking, running or riding for five days, I can raise awareness and funds so that people around the world can access clean water. 

Please donate and share my fundraising page to help contribute to WaterAid's amazing work.

For just $50, WaterAid could buy water system tools to provide a rural community with clean water.

My wonderful sponsors



thanks for walking for water Renny


Nina Kennewell

Great work Renny!


Renny Chivunga

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