Chris Yeats

Walk For Water 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 5 Hours

DT Infrastructure double any donation to a DTI participants in Walk for Water

DT Infrastructure have kindly agreed to match donations up to $15,000 for Walk for Water.

Get on board with supporting someone from DTI.

Why I'm walking for water!

771 million people in the world – one in ten – do not have clean water close to home. Every day, women and children walk long distances to collect and carry water for their families. Girls and boys often begin collecting water as children and girls continue to collect and carry water throughout their lives. Many girls spend hours each day collecting water, which can cause them to miss time at school. And not only that, sometimes the water they are forced to collect is dirty, carrying waterborne diseases and leading to sickness in their community.

This is why we need your help – we are asking you to walk for water, so that they don’t have to.

I am raising awareness and funds so people around the world can access clean water for the first time.

Please donate to my fundraising page to contribute to WaterAid's amazing work.

The more people that know about WaterAid, the more we can achieve together.

Please spread the word by sharing my fundraising page with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

My wonderful sponsors


Paul Harazim

Amazing marketing mate ! Great cause !


Plum Property

From the whole team at plum property, GO CHRIS!



Go for it.


Joe Tripodina


Kevin Brady


Angie La Motta

You are the bst Chris! This is such a great way to raise money!


Paul Hogan

Well done Chris!


Santosh Karki

Great work Chris


Kym Saunders

Great cause Good work


Jason Beard




Eamonn Flynn

Well done Chris, great contribution to a worthy cause.


Matthew Malone

Fantastic initiative & a great cause Chris! Well done on the commitment


Paul Garth

Well done on supporting such a good cause.


Giovanni Koonwhye


Jason Simpfendorfer

great work CY



Great cause mate, admire the dedication


Richard Gourley

Well done Chris, all the best for the rest of the fundraising campaign.


Amie Aldred

Well done on a very creative certainly got my attention!!! Your video on Linked In made my day xo


Daniel Van Oosterwijck

Best of luck on the walk Chris.


Jason Dennis

Good job!


Jane Martin

Well done you Chris!! 👏


Andrew Baker


Rosie Nickelson


Ian May

Good luck with a great cause Chris


Ben Rahmanipour


Anthony Johns

Dìreach leig às tabhartas beag gus do chuideachadh le bhith a’ strì ann an stoidhle airson adhbhar math. Cò aig an robh fios gur e jumpsuits an dìomhair airson an saoghal a shàbhaladh, aon cheum aig aon àm? haha.


David Baillie

Good luck Chris!


Simon Bradbury

Good work Chris


Errol Bellchambers

Great Work Chris


Jeremy Thomas

Brilliant effort zchris



Go Chris!!!!


Shirley And Geoff Saunders

Great work Chris


Phillip Grove

Great work Chris and l hope you raise heaps for this fantastic cause. Phil


Anthony Holmes

Go for it Chris


Sonya Browne

Good work Chris


Tim Lennon



Well done Chris, great cause.


Susan B

A great cause! Love that DT Infrastructure will match my donation! Look forward to seeing the fancy dress. All the best Chris.


Frances Lolohea




Kym Saunders

Great effort Very important cause


James Elliott


Catherine Mctigue

Great initiative Chris!



Go Chris Great cause


Jo Jarjoura

Fantastic effort Chris!

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