Let's let everyone have access to water

By Chantel Spada

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Day zero

Today I am preparing myself for one of the biggest health challenges that I have done. I am planning to do 1 whole year starting tomorrow, 10 Feb, 2021 of just drinking water. This isn't just for myself to try to not go deeper into health crisis, but also for those who have not got access to something we "privileged" people take for granted.

Did you know that the human body is 60% water, and the average human cannot go more than 3 days without water. 

Just something to think about. 

I'm taking a challenge for clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene!

OK guys, so it goes like this humans need water, right? But not just for drinking, we need it for maintaining personal hygiene, we need it to grow our food, for being able to wash away our sanitation. We also need it to cook, clean our homes, clean our cars, and... you get the point.

For the past 12 months, since the global pandemic kicked in, it has been realised that many communities, either homeland or refugee based, don't have access to this which us more "privileged" people take oh so for granted. Governments and world organisations are screaming for higher hygiene standards globally however, how is that even possible if there is either no access to safe water sources (for example, not needing to go to a water source where dangerous animals are for their water) or extremely limited access to safe water sources (for example, a well between 10,000 people). 

Water aid and I are trying to change this inequity not just globally, but also locally. So help me to help them by supporting me in my year long challenge of only drinking water as my main source of hydration. This is not only to help them, but also myself. 

Come on guys, let's not allow 2020 to continue taking lives through lack of safe water access. Support those of us who really want change and to allow those who have struggled struggle a little less.