Sponsorship Opportunities
There are limited sponsorship opportunities so be sure to get in quick so as not miss out.
Golf Day Naming Rights Sponsor - SOLD
Naming rights to the WaterAid Golf day and your logo and organisation will be acknowledged during formal proceedings and is placed on on all marketing materials and communications regarding the Golf Day. The sponsor may proivde a banner to be located in the registration area and also in the main room for the Awards Ceremony, along with the opportunity to be a part of the presentation of the Awards Ceremony. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged by the MC and on the WaterAid Golf website as well as in the WaterAid Corporate Newsletter. Sponsorship includes registration of 1 team of 4 to play the 18-hole golf event on the day.
$3,000 + GST
Dinner Sponsors
Your logo will be showcased on all marketing materials and communications regarding the Golf Day. The sponsor may proivde a banner to be located in the breakfast area and have the opportunity to be a part of the presentation of the Awards Ceremony. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged by the MC and on the WaterAid Golf website as well as in the WaterAid Corporate Newsletter. Sponsorship includes registration of 1 team of 4 to play the 18-hole golf event on the day.
$2,000 + GST
Lunch Sponsor
Your logo will be showcased on all marketing materials and communications regarding the Golf Day. The sponsor may proivde a banner to be located in the lunch area and your sponsorship will be acknowledged by the MC and on the WaterAid Golf website as well as in the WaterAid Corporate Newsletter. Sponsorship includes registration of 1 team of 4 to play the 18-hole golf event on the day.
$1,500 + GST
Live Scoring Sponsor
A fabulous opportunity to have your logo displayed on the Live Scoring system which will be used throughout the day and for pre-registering the teams and members. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged by the MC during the presentation ceremony and post event communication. Sponsorship includes registration of 1 team of 4 to play the 18-hole golf event on the day.
$1,600 + GST
Golf Day Hole Sponsors - SOLD
Opportunity to have your corporate tear drop banner on designated tee and your logo will be showcased on all marketing materials and communications regarding the Golf Day. The sponsor may proivde a banner to be located in the registration area and have the opportunity to be a part of the presentation of the Awards Ceremony. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged by the MC and on the WaterAid Golf website as well as in the WaterAid Corporate Newsletter. Sponsorship includes registration of 1 team of 4 to play the 18-hole golf event on the day.
$1,000 + GST
Drinks Cart Sponsor - SOLD
Your logo will be showcased on the drinks cart, which will be driven around the whole of the golf course. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged by the MC during the presentation ceremony and post event communication. Sponsorship includes registration of 1 team of 4 to play the 18-hole golf event on the day.
$1,000 + GST
Pre-Dinner Drinks Sponsor
Your logo will be showcased on all marketing materials and communications regarding the Golf Day. The sponsor may proivde a banner to be located near the drinks area and your sponsorship will be acknowledged by the MC and on the WaterAid Golf website. Sponsorship includes registration of 1 team of 4 to play the 18-hole golf event on the day.
$1,000 + GST
Golf Ball Sponsor
A fabulous opportunity to provide your branded golf balls provided to every team registration and your sponsorship will be acknowledged by the MC during the presentation ceremony, on the WaterAid Golf Website and post event communication. Does not include a team registration of four.
$500 + GST
Putting Contest Sponsor
Your organisational signage is placed around the designated putting area for this event. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged during the formal proceedings and is placed on event materials.
$500 + GST
Longest Drive Sponsors - 2 AVAILABLE
Your organisational signage is placed around the designated tee area for this event. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged during the formal proceedings and is placed on event materials.
$500 + GST per hole
Nearest to the Pin Sponsors - 3 AVAILABLE
Your organisational signage is placed around the designated tee area for this event. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged during the formal proceedings and is placed on event materials.
$500 + GST per hole
Please contact Dave DeBrincat via dave.debrincat@wateraid.org.au or 0404 856 779 or Kim Falster kim@falsters.net or 0417 871 144 to secure your sponsorship.