To help raise both awareness and funds for Walk for Water this year, we have assembled a team of outstanding ambassadors, who we call our
"Water Leaders". 

We are extremely honoured to have the support of such outstanding leaders from across the water industry.

Mark Bruzzone
Chief Executive Officer


Mark Bruzzone is a visionary, purpose-driven leader, founded on strong values integrity and trust, underpinned by a passion for developing people and client-focussed delivery. Mark has over 25 years’ experience in design, construction, facilities management and operations across the infrastructure, transportation, water, energy and natural resources sectors in Australia and New Zealand.

As CEO at Abergeldie, Mark leads strategy, marketing, business development, sales, operations, mergers and acquisitions and business transformation. Mark is a Chartered Engineering Executive and Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia. Mark is an active supporter and advocate for a number of charitable organisations that align with Abergeldie’s mission to build better communities including Vinnies and WaterAid.

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Abergeldie 2024

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Dr Ryan Signor
Industry Director, Water - Australia

Dr Ryan Signor is Aurecon’s Industry Director for Water. He leads Aurecon’s water community, drives the positive impact we seek to have within the industry and communities it supports, and connects clients and organisations that have roles to play in water stewardship. Ryan’s early career research was on the links between water and public health. Over two decades, he has built extensive experience in development and delivery of water programs and projects, design and implementation of strategic transformations for water entities, and providing water policy and sustainable development advice. He is passionate about building teams with the desire, ideas, and diversity to deliver a more liveable and sustainable world.

“I grew up in a place where water was at the heart of the community and its identity. Early in my life I came to appreciate the array of values that water supports. Everyone deserves access to clean water.

At Aurecon, we understand and take seriously our deep responsibility to be water stewards and create a better world for tomorrow. We do this by collaborating with our industry partners to address some of the world’s most urgent needs including access to clean water and sanitation for all, transitioning to a circular economy and a changing climate, working to restore and protect natural environments, and advocating for change.

By joining Walk for Water, we are contributing to a better future for many.“

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Aurecon 2024

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Shaun Cumming
Managing Director
Barwon Water Group

Over a 20-year career in the water industry Shaun understands the critical role water plays in cultural, social, economic and environmental wellbeing. He is thrilled to be taking part in this year’s Walk for Water. Shaun enjoys walking and running with his dog for relaxation and exercise in his spare time and acknowledges how very fortunate he is to have access to clean drinking water. Millions of people around the world have to walk long, dangerous and often physically painful distances every day just to collect water, which is often not safe to drink. Walk for Water is a great initiative to raise awareness and money to help everyone have access to safe drinking water. In addition, Shaun is passionate about addressing the gender equality gap. He acknowledges the task of collecting water often falls to women and freeing up their time, through access to drinking water, will enable young women to go to school and further their education.

As part of this year’s Walk for Water, Shaun will be challenging himself to run extra kilometres in the week (maybe even a marathon – watch this space) and is encouraging as many people as possible to walk, run or ride to raise much needed funds to enable clean and safe drinking water for all.

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Barwon Water 2024

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Neal Firth
Executive General Manager - Water

Neal joined Downer in 2023 in the newly-created role of Executive General Manager – Water, with responsibility for leading all Australian and New Zealand-based water contracts, projects and joint ventures.

Neal has more than 35 years’ global business experience across a diverse range of industries, based in the USA, UK, Europe, Asia and ANZ. Over the last 15 years, he has held several Executive General Manager roles, which involved overseeing the delivery, safety and financial outcomes of large project and contract portfolios. Throughout his career, Neal has also held executive roles at Qantas, ResMed Ltd, PWC, and Harman International.

Neal lives in the foothills of the Blue Mountains with his partner Joanna, where he enjoys growing his own vegetables and fruit, as well as bushwalking and taking in the stunning natural environs around the Hawkesbury River.

Here is what Neal said when asked why he supports Walk for Water and joined as a Water Leader.

“Water is a life-sustaining, precious resource, and I am excited to play a role in safely and sustainably managing Downer’s trans-Tasman water portfolio. Helping to make a positive difference to people’s lives is a cause that’s close to my heart and I look forward to standing with WaterAid and the Walk for Water Leaders to help realise our shared goal of delivering safe and sustainable services and infrastructure to connect communities and enable them to thrive.”

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Downer 2024

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Chris Yeats
Head of Water
DT Infrastructure

Chris is the Head of Water at DT Infrastructure. He has in-depth knowledge of the design, construction, operations, maintenance and asset management of water and wastewater infrastructure.

Chris draws on over 29 years’ experience in the water industry, initially in the UK and for the last 23 years, within Australia. Chris worked for Downer and predecessor company Tenix for the past 16 years. Prior to this, Chris worked for a variety of consulting engineering companies including Maunsell (now AECOM), MWH (now Stantec) and Babtie Group (now Jacobs).

Chris is passionate about development of skills in the water industry. He has a strong track record in developing and growing team members, building long-term capability. Chris is also committed to innovation, delivering value and ensuring long lasting relationships through service excellence and performance.

Here is what Chris said when asked why he supports Walk for Water and joined on as a Water Leader.

“In the western world, many of us take ready access to a clean, safe and abundant supply of water for granted. In other parts of the world this is not the case. I am walking for water in support of the excellent work that WaterAid do in this area. On another note, the last couple of years have been as stressful as they could be in our industry. Personal wellbeing and taking care of yourself is as important as it ever. Walking is great for wellbeing and proven to be an excellent way to get fitter and improve mental health. So a great cause with wellbeing benefits is really a no brainer.”

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DT Infrastructure

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Steve Hall
General Manager, Eastern Region Utilities
Fulton Hogan

Steve is the General Manager of Fulton Hogan’s Eastern Region Utilities business, and has over 30 years of experience in delivering urban infrastructure and water utilities projects and programs in Australia and abroad. Steve’s experience spans the full asset lifecycle including planning, design, construction, operations and maintenance, and over the last 17 years he has held senior and executive management positions in a career that has encompassed roles as contractor, consultant and client across multiple sectors including water, energy, transport and property development. 

As a keen surfer and lifesaver who was fortunate to grow up near the Australian coastline, Steve has always had a great love for the water which combined with his career in the industry, has fostered an acute appreciation of the intrinsic link between water and the health and wellbeing of communities.

“It’s no secret that most of us who live in the lucky country pretty much take our essential services for granted. Yet in not-too-faraway places, millions of people can only dream about having clean drinking water at the turn of a tap, and hygienic sanitation at the flush of a button. Fortunately our water industry is full of good people who recognise this inequality and are prepared to do what they can to reduce the gap. As part of Walk for Water, myself and the Fulton Hogan team will be challenging ourselves to walk extra kilometres in the week to raise important funds that support WaterAid’s mission to make clean water, decent toilets, and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation.”

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Fulton Hogan 2024

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Lindsey Brown
Australian Market Leader - Water

Lindsey is a water industry leader and influencer looking to make a dent. With her finger on the pulse of water issues and industry trends, she has a reputation for pushing boundaries and looking for new partnerships and collaboration opportunities everywhere. As the Australian Market Leader – Water, she leads GHD's large cohort of water professionals to support utilities in delivering great outcomes for customers, community and the environment. She is active in a number of industry associations including the AWA, IWA, WaterAble and the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She’s passionate about diversity, sport, food, her dog and her family of five -pretty much in that order.

Here is what Lindsey said when asked why she supports Walk for Water and joined as a Water Leader.

“GHD is a longtime partner of WaterAid and we see their mission totally aligned with ours, in delivering lasting community benefit.

I participate in Walk for Water each year because it reminds me to be grateful for my privilege and the opportunity I have to help others.”

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GHD 2024

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Daniel Weaver
Managing Director

Daniel Weaver is the Managing Director of Interflow, and the fourth generation of the Weaver family to lead the company. As someone who has grown up in the industry, Daniel understands the important role that safe and accessible water plays in creating healthy communities.

Today, Daniel is leading Interflow towards its vision: to be the leading provider of pipeline infrastructure in Australia and New Zealand. He unlocks value for Interflow’s customers, people and communities as he strives to ensure that Interflow is a company that people want to work for and customers want to partner with, to deliver world class pipeline infrastructure solutions.

Here is what Daniel said when asked why he supports Walk for Water and joined as a Water Leader.

“Interflow has supported WaterAid for many years. For us, water and the water industry have always been such an important part of our lives, our business and our family. It’s been part of who we are and what we do since the business was founded by my great grandfather in 1936.

For our family, supporting WaterAid is a way of giving back and playing our part in improving the lives of other families and communities, making a difference both now and for future generations.

My parents visited Timor-Leste in 2013 and saw firsthand the difference even the most basic amenities can make to the health and happiness of the people within these communities. Last year my wife and I had the same opportunity, which was a very special experience for me and my family.

When visiting villages that have received support from WaterAid, you could clearly see the difference having easy access to water made. Instead of walking for hours each day, sometimes long distances and through challenging terrain, people could spend that time in other ways that benefited their futures, their families and their communities.

Walk for Water reminds us that the playing field isn’t level and that we, as water leaders, have an important role to play in changing that.”

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Interflow 2024

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Mary Kanavoutsos
Executive Director - Water

Mary is an Executive Director at Jacobs, for the water market across ANZ. Mary has worked in the water sector for more 30 years, across Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the Middle East. Her motivation is to work with teams to develop and deliver sustainable water solutions that are pragmatic, with a focus on environment and community.

Here is what Mary said when asked why she supports Walk for Water and joined as a Water Leader.

"I joined as a Water Leader for WaterAid to advocate on behalf of so many communities and people across the world, who still lack the essentials of clean water and decent sanitation and hygiene.

I support Walk for Water as it provides an opportunity to amplify the fact that right now, millions of people lack access to clean water, decent toilets, and good hygiene. Importantly, it is a reminder that supporting Walk for Water promotes gender equality by relieving women and girls from the arduous task of water collection, enabling them to participate in economic and educational activities on par with men and boys."

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Jacobs Walk for Water

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Shaun Kempton
National Water Manager
John Holland

Shaun is a civil engineer with 17 years’ experience across infrastructure, rail and manufacturing sectors with a specialist focus on water and wastewater assets.

After 3 years as John Hollands Precontracts Manager for Water, where he was responsible for all of John Holland’s water pursuits across Australia, he is currently John Holland’s National Water Manager.

Throughout his career, Shaun has built strong collaborative relationships with water utilities around the country, where he has helped to establish and successfully deliver numerous complex capital projects and programs, including Sydney Waters Upper South Creek and Partnering for Success Program, Melbourne Water’s Western Treatment Plant – Primary Bundle Project and the Wentworth to Broken Hill Pipeline.

Here is what Shaun said when asked why he supports Walk for Water and joined as a Water Leader.

“As Australian water industry professionals, it’s easy to become swept up in the day-to-day challenges we all face. WaterAid’s work and advocacy put into context how minor some of these can actually be when compared to gaining access to reliable and safe water around other parts of the world. The work they do is so incredibly important and I’m really proud to be supporting WaterAid’s Walk for Water.”

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John Holland Walk for Water

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Djuna Pollard
Chief Executive Officer
Power and Water Corporation

Djuna Pollard is the first female Chief Executive Officer of the Power and Water Corporation (a Northern Territory Government owned corporation) providing essential water, wastewater, power and gas services to about 250,000 Territorians spread over a vast 1.3 million square kilometre landscape.

Here is what Djuna said when asked why she supports Walk for Water and joined as a Water Leader.

"I support Walk for Water because I truly believe that everyone deserves access to safe drinking water, no matter where you live or your economic situation.

I am proud to work alongside a team of passionate and experienced experts who are all committed to delivering safe, reliable and sustainable water to support our customers and community to prosper now and into the future."

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Power and Water

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Dr Georgina Davis
Chief Executive Officer
Queensland Water Directorate

Georgina is the Chief Executive Officer of the Queensland Water Directorate (qldwater) which is the central advisory and advocacy body, working with the urban water sector to provide safe, secure and sustainable drinking water and sanitation services to communities.

Georgina is a passionate water and community advocate. She represents consumers as an Independent Member of the Australian Energy Regulators Customer Consultative Group, she is a Member of a River Improvement Trust whose role is to protect and improve rivers, and a Board Member of Mossman Botanic Gardens working to build a 21st century botanic garden focused on nature-positive, tropical rainforest conservation based in the Wet Tropics World Heritage listed area.

Here is what Georgina said when asked why she supports Walk for Water and joined as a Water Leader.

"When I was approached to be a Water Leader for this year’s Walk for Water, I reflected on my granddaughters and how three hours of walking to collect water every day would impact their lives. Taking away time that they spend learning in kindy and at school, time spent playing with their friends and with their siblings, and reducing time spent with their parents which we now realise is so valuable in building strong emotional ties that are proven to help us overcome life’s challenges. Every child has a basic right to all those things.

Access to clean, safe water and sanitation protects the health of our communities and all individuals within them, it is a fundamental component of social justice, and equity.

We so often hear how education helps to break the cycles of poverty, while learning and playing enrich all our lives not just those of children.

We need to continue to close the gap for those without access to clean water and sanitation.

We know that access to water is being driven by escalating competing demands, deteriorating water quality (due to pollution), exacerbated by the impacts of climate change, and chronic under-investment across all the Pacific region, including here in Queensland.

I encourage anyone and everyone to participate in this year’s Walk for Water by WaterAid, registrations are open."

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Queensland Water 2024

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Melissa Williams
Executive General Manager of People, Culture and Safety

Melissa Williams is the Executive General Manager of People, Culture and Safety with Seqwater. With a distinguished career spanning 20 years, Melissa has successfully led a range of multi-disciplinary portfolios across a diverse range of industries in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. Melissa is passionately committed to driving transformative change and ensuring that organizations are equipped to meet the challenges of both today and tomorrow.

Beyond her professional achievements, Melissa is a dedicated advocate for global water security. She actively supports the Walk for Water initiative and has joined WaterAid as a Water Leader. Her involvement is driven by a deep understanding that both water and walking are essential but often underappreciated.

While Australia enjoys the privilege of safe and reliable drinking water, Melissa recognizes that billions around the world do not share this basic necessity. Her commitment to WaterAid reflects her belief in equitable access to safe water for all.

Melissa's commitment to the Walk for Water initiative is also deeply personal. Having endured a serious car accident that temporarily impaired her ability to walk, she has firsthand experience of the challenges faced by those with mobility issues. This experience has reinforced her conviction that like water the ability to walk unassisted is also a gift not to be taken for granted.

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Seqwater Walk for Water

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Lara Olsen
Managing Director
South East Water

South East Water Managing Director, Lara Olsen, is passionate about the role water plays in a healthy life and healthy communities, and has a special interest in the role of innovation and technology in enabling efficient and affordable water and wastewater services.

Before joining South East Water in 2020, Lara was Global Head of Business Development and Industrial Products at Tesla Energy in America, and also led the Business Development and Industrial Products team for Tesla Australia.

Lara’s extensive experience in the utility sector includes roles as head of strategy for CitiPower PowerCor and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), Project Leader with the Boston Consulting Group and co-founding Billcap, an energy platform that helps customers and retailers manage their usage and bills.

Here is what Lara said when asked why she supports Walk for Water and joined on as a Water Leader.

“Supporting WaterAid Australia and Walk for Water is true to South East Water’s purpose to deliver healthy water for life for our customers, community and environment.

For communities that don’t have healthy water – for hygiene, for health, for liveability – the impacts are far reaching, impacting gender equity to education. Our employees not only understand this but know that the work we do every day to deliver clean water and treat waste supports healthy and flourishing communities. We want that for our global neighbours too and it’s why we commit to Walk for Water.”

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South East Water 2024

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Denisha Anbu
Executive General Manger, Customer Experience, Sydney Water, and
Non-Executive Director, WaterAid Australia

Denisha has been in the water industry for over a decade and has held several senior leadership and executive roles across a range of portfolios at Sydney Water, including Customer Experience, Governance & Assurance, People & Culture and Legal & Corporate Secretariat. In April 2024, Denisha was appointed as Executive General Manager, Customer Experience. In this role, Denisha leads a team of over 1,000 people and is accountable for the entire customer value chain – everything from, customer accounts, metering and billing, laboratory services, the contact centre, customer communications, innovative customer programs, right through to resolving network faults and complaints.

Denisha is passionate about the water industry and water’s role in improving the lives of the customers and communities it serves. Denisha has extended this commitment through her involvement with WaterAid since 2018, first as an Executive sponsor of one of Sydney Water’s Winnovators teams, then as a NSW Gala Ball Ambassador, before being appointed as a Non-Executive Director of WaterAid Australia in October 2022.

Denisha has been involved with Walk for Water for three years and is a passionate advocate of improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene for everyone everywhere around the world.

"At Sydney Water, everything we do is about creating a better life for our customers through world-class water services. However, across the world, there is a water and sanitation crisis that keeps hundreds of millions of children out of school, adults out of work and traps people trapped in poverty. If we solve this crisis, we can provide these communities with hope and the power to change their future. Walking, riding or cycling each day for one week as part of WaterAid’s Walk for Walk initiative represents the daily reality endured by millions around the world to access their closest water source. It’s something tangible and healthy we can do to raise much needed funds for underprivileged communities.

For less than $10,000, we can give school students in Papua New Guinea access to clean water and handwashing facilities by installing a rainwater tank and tap stands at a school. For $50,000, we can help a whole village access a sustainable clean water system. These are life-changing projects for entire communities. Together, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live healthy and dignified lives."

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Sydney Water

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Roch Cheroux
Managing Director
Sydney Water

Roch Cheroux is a key influencer in the water industry, with experience shaping and leading public and private corporations across the Asia-Pacific region and Europe.

Roch is the Managing Director of Sydney Water, and the Chair of the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA). Before joining Sydney Water Roch was the Chief Executive of South Australian Water Corporation (SA Water), the CEO of SUEZ South East Asia and SUEZ-Degrémont Australia and New Zealand, the Managing Director of United Utilities Asia and Pacific (TRILITY) and Chief Executive and Chair of Tallinn Water in Estonia. A dual French and Australian citizen, Roch holds formal qualifications in Engineering and Business Management.

Roch champions the customer, innovation and workplace diversity and has successfully led transformation programs to embed technology, culture and systems changes to deliver improved experience for customers.

Here is what Roch said when asked why he supports Walk for Water and joined as a Water Leader.

"As Australia’s largest water utility, Sydney Water is proud to do its part to ensure access to clean and safe drinking water around the world. Almost one in ten people globally still don't have access to clean water near their homes. It is unacceptable in the 21st century that this is still the case. Walk for Water helps to raise awareness and funds for people who need it most. We can actually change someone's life and revitalise entire communities if they have access to a source of clean water nearby.

We have a long track record in supporting WaterAid and I’m looking forward to getting out and about to support this great cause.

We are encouraging our employees to participate by walking, running and bike riding at events over the week."

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Sydney Water

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Paul Arnold
Chief Executive Officer
Urban Utilities

Paul Arnold is the Chief Executive Officer of Urban Utilities – Queensland’s largest water and wastewater service provider.

Prior to joining Urban Utilities in 2022, Paul had a successful career with Rio Tinto and BHP, most recently holding the position of Chief Executive and Managing Director of Energy Resources of Australia, based in Darwin. 

With over 30 years’ experience in the natural resources and energy sectors, Paul’s areas of speciality include operations, project development and execution, stakeholder relations, Indigenous engagement, business development, and strategy.

This will be Paul’s second year as a Water Leader. Here is what he said when asked why he supports Walk for Water.

"I’m honoured to, again, take part in Walk for Water to help raise much-needed funds for WaterAid and generate awareness around the important global issue of water inequality. Each day I walk will act as a sobering reminder to be grateful for safe and reliable water supply we enjoy in Australia.

Along with many other Australian water utilities, Urban Utilities is a signatory of the Water Services Association of Australia’s pledge to support and promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically SDG 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. If we are to achieve this goal, it is imperative that the water industry supports WaterAid and events like Walk for Water. We must all play our part, however small, in creating the future we want to see."

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Urban Utilities

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Gillian Blythe
Chief Executive Officer
Water New Zealand

Gillian Blythe is Chief Executive of Water New Zealand – the country’s largest water industry body with more than 3300 water sector professional and corporate members.

Prior to joining Water New Zealand in 2020, Gillian’s career was focused on the electricity sector.

Originally from the UK, Gillian studied at the University College London where she attained a bachelors degree in economics, followed by a Masters in environmental economics which considered the ‘marginal cost of carbon constraints”. Gillian worked as an economic consultant focusing on the electricity markets often with an environmental lens, as well as major energy reforms in the Former Soviet Union. She then came to Aotearoa New Zealand in the mid 1990s to work on electricity reform, and then in senior roles at the country’s biggest electricity generator retailer, Meridian Energy.

But it was an easy transition to water and the opportunities to be part of a water community making a difference in Aotearoa New Zealand. This is an exciting time to be working in water and to be focused on valuing and looking after this precious resource, or taonga (treasure), as wai (water) is often referred to Aotearoa.

For Gillian, joining WaterAid Australia is a natural progression, 

"Water issues are global issues and there are huge challenges facing the entire planet and many communities locked out of opportunities because of lack of access to basic necessities such as safe drinking water and sanitation. As a water leader, I'm motivated to support any efforts to increase access to water for deprived people across the world and to improve quality of life. Walking for water is a great opportunity for everyone to get involved.

In a personal connection to water, one of my favourite leisure activities is walking or running around Wellington’s magnificent harbour."

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Water NZ 2024

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Dean Barnett
Chief Executive Officer
Water Industry Operations Association of Australia (WIOA)

Dean Barnett is working for the Water Industry Operations Association of Australia (WIOA), where they support the operations sector of the water industry nationally.

Here is what Dean said when asked why he supports Walk for Water and joined as a Water Leader.

"I guess the water industry for me has a community service approach, and feels like family to me, which is why I am still involved after 30+ years.

In my opinion, you don’t need a title to be a leader, and Walk for Water gives us all the opportunity to lead the charge to stretch our legs, get some fresh air, while raising funds to support those that do not have the opportunity to just turn on the tap at home for their water."

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WIOA 2024

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Brian Krishna
Managing Director
Xylem – Australia & New Zealand

Brian Krishna is Managing Director Xylem Australia & New Zealand, with twenty-five years of experience in the water sector working and living on Australia's east and west coast. Brian holds an MBA leading an executive team passionate about solving water challenges. Brian is a genuine person in the workplace and uses his positive attitude and tireless energy to encourage others to accomplish their goals and have fun doing it. Brian is inspired daily by the challenge of solving our water issues, bringing education and technology to many communities. He is also very passionate about attracting youth into the water sector, becoming the heroes of the future. Being authentic drives and motivates Brian. Married with three children, he enjoys beach holidays, bush walks and family fun together.

Here is what Brian said when asked why he supports Walk for Water and joined on as a Water Leader.

“Xylem’s vision is that water is essential to life. And our life’s work is water. We devote our technology, time and talent to advance the smarter use of water. We look to a future where global water issues do not exist. We hope that by joining the Walk for Water we can bring more awareness to the challenges faced around the globe.

I am proud to be a Water Leader as I am inspired daily by the challenge of solving our water challenges, and am passionate about bringing education and technology to many communities.”

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Team Xylem

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Pat McCafferty
Managing Director
Yarra Valley Water

Pat is Managing Director of Yarra Valley Water, one of Australia’s largest water utilities providing water and sanitation services to 2M people across Melbourne. Over an extensive career, Pat has played a lead role in the water sector in addressing critical challenges such as climate change and rapid population growth.

Here is what Pat said when asked why he supports Walk for Water and joined on as a Water Leader.

“We have a fundamental role in ensuring the UN Human Right to safe, affordable, and reliable water and sanitation is a reality for the community we serve. But we know that for so many other communities this is not a reality. Taking part in this challenge not only reminds us of the importance of our work but also extends our impact to make a positive difference in communities less fortunate than ours.”


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Yarra Valley Water 2024

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