Gala Ball
Join us for a MaskerAid like no other at the Victoria WaterAid Gala Ball. Get together for a spectacular evening with your clients, partners, staff, friends, and industry peers to raise money for WaterAid, and help reach communities all around the world with clean water.
Major Sponsors

Victoria Gala Ball 2022
Fundraising Challenge
This year we want to start the fundraising early! Do you want your company on the leaderboard for fundraising at this year’s Gala Ball? All you have to do is get your work colleagues together and start your in-house fundraising now. The more you raise before the event, the more chance you have of winning two tickets to the Gala Ball in our “Fundraising Challenge”.

Over 703 million people in the world - almost one in ten - don’t have clean water close to home. And almost one in five dont have a decent toilet of their own. Without these essentials, people can't live dignified, healthy lives. Children are most vulnerable – over 273,000 children under five die every year from diarrhoeal diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. That's over 750 children a day, or almost one child every two minutes. We are working with our partners and supporters like you to reach everyone, everywhere with clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene. And so far, since 1981, globally we've directly reached:
28.5 million people with clean water
29 million people with decent toilets
27.8 million with good hygiene.